this past saturday was wonderful in so many ways. when you have clients who express to you time and time again how excited they are to have you shoot their wedding, you recognize you have been given a true gift. sam was so very gracious week after week, reminding me that she was following the blog and couldn't wait to have me be a part of her wedding day. and so when saturday arrived, i was thrilled to be a part of the celebration.
with the ceremony and reception set against the stunning backdrop of a gorgeous september day here in michigan, i witnessed joy and laughter and had the privilege of capturing those moments to remind these two friends of a day that began their new adventure together. and the sky, that was something to remember too!
thank you so much s& honor me by offering me the chance to serve you and your families and document such an amazing day. thank you for the privilege and may God bless you and keep you as you seek to love each other and the world around you well. blessings*
- npe