a question i often ask couples who get in touch with me is where they found my name in the search for a wedding photographer. and no matter how many times i hear it, i am still grateful and honored to hear that they were recommended to me by past clients. there is an inherent accountability in the work that i do..no matter how many weddings i shoot, each and every one has to be respected as the only one that matters in that moment. to have past couples encourage their friends to invest in me for their wedding day is so humbling and gives me great joy every time i get the chance.
for megan and eric, their wedding on saturday was that very scenario. one of eric's groomsmen derek, was a groom from one of my weddings last year. and so, not only is it a great honor, but it feels like a growing family as i see past couples, friends and families at these weddings and remind myself that as much as people see the images..this work is so much more than just photographs. its about people, relationships, and the celebration of love in so many honest, intimate, and beautiful ways.
i am pretty sure that the west michigan autumn day on saturday was just trying to keep up with megan on her wedding day. she looked absolutely stunning, and her husband eric embodied the hashtag that megan coined for him...#frustratinglyphotogenic haha! thank you both for the privilege of joining this past weekend. i hope you love your wedding day preview as much as i loved editing it. blessings to you two in the many years to come!
all the best,