jeremiah and amy were married yesterday atop a mountain overlooking the vast beautiful blue waters of lake michigan. the sun even broke through at the perfect moment to shine down on these two and their friends and family gathered from all over the world.
it was certainly a privilege to witness these two all day...just from those gathered around both amy and jeremiah, i could tell that they have a joyous affect on everyone they come in contact with, from their hometowns here in the states, to the many countries and continents they have lived in and visited.
all day was filled with incredible details and beauty, from amy's handmade dress from australia, to the stunning florals and classy suites of the gentleman. talk about a dream for any photographer! thank you so very much j&a, for the honor of photographing your wedding and for your trust throughout the day. james and i are so very grateful to have witnessed such a wonderful day!
- npe