these two hold a special place in my heart for sure. john helped see me through my years of undergrad with plenty of stories to tell along the way. and vicki and her family have always been part of my history, from my younger days on the west coast, high in the mountains of washington. so when they asked if i might have a thursday in june open to spend the day with them, there was no question!
it was my first chance to shoot at the beautiful centennial barn in wayland, a venue fairly new to the landscape of west michigan locations, and it was perfect for these two! with the rain keeping the ceremony inside the restored, rustic barn...and the wedding preparations and details happening in the cultured farmhouse next door, there were plenty of beautiful corners to discover. i was walking down memory lane all day with all the friends and families at this wedding being my own friends and church family from my past. it truly was an honor to be witness to this day.
j&v, i love you guys! what a day of pure joy and lovely tears. thank you for allowing me to follow along with my cameras. i wish you two the very best and pray that God would continue to bless you in your marriage and ministry!
- npe
