often during the busy summer months of wedding season, i am shooting in northern michigan...and while the beauty of the north is undeniable, having the chance to photograph a wedding here in grand rapids is a treat...especially when you combine the spectacular frederick meijer gardens and beautiful new ballroom at watermark country club!
the story of kyle and stephanie is pretty great, i must say. stephanie won an engagement session from me last year and i was so excited when she decided to not stop with the first session, but hire me for her wedding. i still laugh to this day about their engagement session, as these two have such a brilliant, hilarious sense of humor, and some of the photos truly captured that. all i can say is head to themountain.com to get a taste of the epic apparel worn for part of the day, just awesome!
this past saturday was the culmination of a lot of communication and organization, and it was absolutely lovely* sure it was a bit warm, but the dramatic sky only heightened the beauty of the day. i had such a blast and laughed often, which is always good for my soul on a wedding day..documenting these two and their love story. k&s, thank you for such a great day and for enduring the heat with me. i hope you enjoy your wedding preview as it was a joy to capture these moments!