when lives collide in the midst of beautifully unique cultures*

the story of moses and laura has some personal elements to it for me, as we all attended the same small bible college here in michigan.  knowing moses from school and getting to know laura through her family and our meetings before the wedding helped me see so many similarities between their relationship and the relationship my wife and i have.

moses traces his heritage back the hmong people of asia and laura grew up in the wilds of africa, so you can imagine the amazing diversity this home will always hold...and if you know anything about me, you know i'm a big fan of interracial marriages, just ask jana - haha! these two were radiant this past friday. from the emotional first look moment that even took my breath away, to the dance floor full till the end of the night, it was an incredible day.

m&l, may God richly bless you two - jana and i love you and are so excited for your future! thank you for allowing us to spend the day with you, it was absolutely wonderful!

all the best,

- npe
