it takes a special couple to hire you when you are living on a different continent for pretty much the whole ten months leading up to their wedding. maria and paul are just that! we had hopes of meeting up in person prior to the wedding day but my travels never really made it possible until the week of the wedding. but even with all this said, maria and paul were the most laid back couple, working together with my experience to nail down details for the day and prepare for the possibility of rain meeting us for the whole wedding day.
well, last friday came and went, and it certainly was a wedding to remember - these two know how to laugh and see the humor in everything. even with the unpredictable forecast, maria did such an amazing job of taking the day for exactly what it was, a wedding worth a full heart of celebration! and wouldn't you know it..but we caught a window of clearing and were able to have the ceremony on the lakeshore, under the cool clouds of an august afternoon..and it was beautiful!
paul & maria, we now know each other at a whole other level, haha..thanks for letting me tag along and for trusting me throughout the day. i wish you two all the best in your lives together!