when you pair a sophisticated, hilarious, joyful girl from america...with an intelligent, thoughtful, authentic gentleman from switzerland...you get a couple that everybody wants to be friends with! and you know their party is going to be just that..a PARTY!
sometimes i don't have the chance to meet with couples in person before the wedding day...that was the case for katie and lukas...but their wedding just goes to show that even by means of skype and facetime, you can hit it off with clients and stand amazed at how lucky you were that they picked you to shoot their wedding. this was exactly my experience on saturday. so much fun, so much laughter, so many sharply dressed new friends. ahhhh, it was all great. and shooting on top of the jw is always a nice addition too.
k&l..thank you again for seeking me out all those months ago. thank you for putting your trust in me. thank you for being yourselves through and through..it was beautiful!
- npe