it was a great day indeed.
for quite a few of my weddings i am out of town, often up in northern michigan. don't get me wrong, i love everything about shooting at the stunning destinations that our beautiful state has to offer as you head north...but it is something sweet to savor when i have the privilege of shooting in my backyard. not only do i know this city well, but grand rapids never ceases to amaze me at all the vibrant nooks and crannies it offers up to us photographers.
for sarah and zach, they picked a pretty perfect line up...with the wedding ceremony at frederik meijer gardens and their reception at the stunning thousand oaks golf club. and every moment in between was truly wonderful. these two couldn't wait to see each other, and their passion for one another and the joy they were exuding on saturday was so easy to see. when the bride and groom's laughter and beaming smiles are completely know you are in for a great day.
thank you z&s for inviting me to join you this past weekend! it was my honor and i couldn't be happier for you two! blessings to the newlyweds*
- npe